Sunday, January 24, 2010

Views from the South Rim

The sun setting on the canyon- the reds are so brilliant.

Silhouette in the snow

The canyon is so expansive, deep and wide, that even while standing right on the edge it all seems unreal. I walked about 7 miles along the rim to a place called Mather point. The trails were so deeply covered in snow that for the majority of the walk I was knee deep. The views at every step will absolutely take your breath away.
Tomorrow I begin my hike into the canyon!!


Lonnie C said...

Erica, looks like you really are seeing everything you can! THe pics look awesome, travel safe and have fun! I hope you meet so many cool people, but none will be as cool as me and my crew! :-)

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you are there experiencing the wonder of nature. Have fun and take lots of pictures. It looks so magical.

Michelle D. said...

the pics are spectacular! i think about you often and hope you are loving every minute and soaking it all up...i can't wait to hear all about your adventure.
What a great gift for your spirit this must be!