Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Acc Charlotte- Huge Success

I am just getting back into the swing of things since my trip to Charlotte, NC for the ACC show. I went with an optimistic attitude (well, cause that's my style) but in all honesty I was a bit apprehensive. With all the talk of the economy I wasn't sure what to expect and this was my first time attending this show as an artist- wow- lots of variables! Well the show was an absolute success!!! I had great sale volume even though the crowds were a little thin. The buyers were educated and seemed to know what they were looking for. I feel confident that I have picked up some lifetime supporters, WHEW- I needed this!

The show was beautiful, the artists as always were kind and generous folks!

Thanks to all who came out (especially Kim, Sherry and Rachel- who traveled from Fayetteville)